Total distance: 15km. Elevation: 471 m.

House and Service Ball

From my point of view, one of the most beautiful corners of the Vosges Saônoises. Corravillers is located in the Faucogney-et-la-Mer valley (accessible from Luxeuil-les-Bains). From the village, you can climb the southern slope towards the Route des Forts. The view extends far over the Mille Etangs plateau and the Ballon de Servance. But above all, many enchanting little hamlets are scattered along the little-used road.

When I hiked this route, snow was present in abundance. So I had to go mainly by road. Don't hesitate to venture out on the many paths that dot the Corravillers region!


I started photography in 2015 during a trip to Hawaii. Since then, I have devoted myself to landscape photography during my many mountain treks.

1 Comment

Pilar Burtless · 24 April 2022 at 10h57

Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.

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