Total distance: 15km. Elevation: 735 m.


A border-hopping hike with a breathtaking view of the Swiss plain. The route presents no difficulty, apart from a steep downhill section below the Noirvaux farm (handrail). From the village of Entre-les-Fourgs, go up to a place called “Petit Bel Coster”. Then follow some old anti-tank defenses dating from the Second World War. The landscape is made up of sparse meadows and conifers. Then attack the grassy and steep climb to Suchet. Enjoy the panoramic view before starting the descent via Grange Neuve and Ferme de Noirvaux.

The walk is pleasant but if you only have to do one hike in the area, I would advise you to go and see the side of the Chasseron. The hike is more varied and the ridge undeniably more beautiful than that of Suchet!

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Categories: Day hike


I started photography in 2015 during a trip to Hawaii. Since then, I have devoted myself to landscape photography during my many mountain treks.


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