Total distance: 10km. Elevation: 979 m.

The Bure peak and plateau from the Villard bridge

An easy hike with impressive views of the Pic de Bure and its immense cliffs! Located in the Dévoluy massif, not far from Gap, the Bure plateau stands out in the landscape due to its very rocky appearance. This route to the Ane Valley allows you to enjoy this majestic panorama at any time.

Pretty coniferous forest going up

From the place called “Pont du Villard”, follow a small road which then becomes a stone path. At the Hurtillier fountain, take the path which goes directly up the slope. We cross a pretty coniferous forest which is becoming lighter, dominated by the massive silhouette of the Pic de Bure.

The Ane valley cabin

Arrived at chalet in the Vallon d'Ane, the path becomes relatively flat. We can then take a tour of this pretty little-used valley. This is literally cut in two by the Ane ridge with its very particular rock shape.

The peak of Bure from the Ane valley

For those who want to stretch their legs, it is possible to go back and forth on a small path that goes up to the Follet. You can also just take a good post-prandial nap and then go back down peacefully via the Vallon Froid. This one is aptly named because there we will come across the only snowfields of the hike! Finally return to the outward path to go back down to the Pont du Villard.

Donkey's crest
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Categories: Day hike


I started photography in 2015 during a trip to Hawaii. Since then, I have devoted myself to landscape photography during my many mountain treks.


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